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I've been waiting for this release and just finished the game. First of all, congrats! I enjoyed it :) I do have some feedback, if you don't mind:

- Hannah's route is largely great. She's cool and witty. Could have used some more build up but it works well. I didn't like that Christine's "issue" (won't spoil it here) doesn't happen in one of the endings though. It should have nothing to do with their relationship, so it should have happened regardless. Still, Hanna is lovely and I enjoyed her route very much :)

- The other route is... difficult. Marlon's behaviour was an instant turn-off from the very beginning, but no matter how hard I tried to reject her, the game railroaded me into her. I couldn't see any way of expressing interest in Liz alone, and Christine kept talking about how into Marlon she was, which was incongruent with the choices I made (how is she into Marlon when I made negative choices every single time?). In my playthrough, the first time Christine has had sex with Marlon was during their "breakup", which felt out of place, especially as Christine calls her "my lover" and mentions how this "isn't another round". What round?? It's your first time with her!

Now, the bits after the break up (Liz groving a spine etc) work perfectly well and I loved the rest, all the way to the ending.

But the fact remains that the game assumes you would be into Marlon, as well as Liz. That would be fine as a creative choice (which I respect!) but you give ample choices to stop/reject Marlon, which... the game just ignores. It breaks the narrative and you end up with nonsensical scenes as above.

Anyway, thanks for a very enjoyable game and I do hope my feedback comes across how I intended - constructive.

Glad you liked Hannah's side.

About Marlon issue you mention, I understand, if I had got more funding I'd have written it differently, consider that allowing different branches / attitudes if player wasn't interested in Marlon would have made the plot rather bigger, and with the very low money I got from the crowdfunding really wasn't feasible (it turned out already waaaaaaay bigger than I expected! :P )

Ah, I see! Shame about the crowdfunding, being a VN developer sure is difficult :( I'm mostly interested in your Aravorn universe games (those are all always instant buys for me!) but I'm glad I bought this one as well :)

Thank you! This year I'm doing a new KS for a new game set in Aravorn, Thieves of Dingirra:

Perfect, I'll jump on that :)

Will this be released on steam? :)


Yes probably next month, or at the very latest April!

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